How to know my mangoes are ready to eat?

How to know my mangoes are ready to eat?

When you buy the fruit basket, you will get a mix of ready-to-eat, and yet-to-be-fully ripe mangoes. A mango that is not fully ripe will taste sour and has very distinct acidity. However, an appropriately ripe mango will be sweet.

As the mango ripens, external changes are noticeable, such as:

  • The mango turns golden-yellow with a tinge of red from the top. A slight green variant may be seen at the bottom.
  • The skin starts to wrinkle, especially on the top.
  • The smell is distinctly sweet.
  • The fruit is firm yet slightly soft when you hold it in your palm.

How to store a not-yet-ready-to-eat fruit?

You will get some hay along with your fruit basket. Keeping the mango in a dry, warm place will help it ripen naturally. The hay helps in keeping the mango warm.

  • Lay some hay on a dry, hard surface such as a counter-top or a table,
  • Carefully set mangoes beside each other on this hay.
  • Then cover the mangoes with the remaining hay.
  • Cover this with a soft cotton towel.
  • Be sure to monitor for signs of ripening twice a day.