Steamed Mango Dumplings

Steamed Mango Dumplings

Recipe by Sanjeev Kapoor

Fusion cuisine is one that combines elements of different culinary traditions. Cuisines of this type are not categorized according to any one particular cuisine style and have played a part in a number of innovations.

Fusion food is a general term for the combination of various forms of cookery and comes in several forms.


Prep Time : 11-15 minutes

Cook time : 11-15 minutes

Serve : 4

Level Of Cooking : Moderate

Taste : Mild

Ingredients for Steamed Mango Dumplings Recipe

  • Ripe mango peeled and finely chopped 1 medium
  • Rice flour 1⁄2 cup
  • Almonds coarsely ground 2 tablespoons
  • brown sugar/jaggery 1 tablespoon



Step 1

Heat half cup of water in a non-stick pan. Add salt and let it heat.

Step 2

Add rice flour and mix till well combined. Transfer on the worktop and knead well with moist hands.

Step 3

Divide the dough into eight equal portions.

Step 4

Line a steamer with a muslin cloth and heat sufficient water in it.

Step 5

Combine together the mango, almonds and brown sugar in a bowl and mix well.

Step 6

Flatten the dough portions with your fingers into medium size thin discs. Place a spoonful of the mango mixture in the centre and apply water on the edges.

Step 7

Bring over one edge to form a crescent shape and twist the edges to seal.

Step 8

Place the prepared mango parcels in the steamer and steam for seven to eight minutes.

Step 9

Serve warm.